World of Hedges

How Long Does A Hedge Take To Grow

Hedges are among the most common types of plants for any garden providing a wonderful focal point cut to the desired shape or as a privacy hedge in a tall dense mix or shrub form. Choosing the right type of plant is an important factor when determining the rate at which growth will take place including evergreen or deciduous vegetation. Learning how long does a hedge take to grow requires a look at the different species and the provision of the perfect soil and light conditions. A hedge is a type of shrub ranging from the box hedges to beautiful flowered plants attracting birds and other types of fauna in your garden. The secrete to raising fast growing vegetation is knowing when to prune and ensuring that you have provided well prepared soil for all additions. Most plants require a fair amount of natural light including well drained soil to prevent the roots from sitting in water logged ground. Deciduous shrubs including Beech and Hawthorn are easy to take care of and develop quite rapidly. Deciduous means that the plant will show some form of die back with the onset of the fall and winter months so exercise precaution when selecting these types as a privacy screen. Vegetation such as Beech will not lose all of its leaves, but maintain a brown coloration through the colder period. Evergreen bushes will keep its beautiful green or red coloration through the different seasons of the year. These plants often do well in full sun or semi-shaded areas. If your soil includes a great deal of clay, apply the appropriate soil conditioners before planting to encourage healthier growth and protect against loss of the plant or stunted growth. All newly planted hedges will need a year before the roots become established after which you will notice an increase in its formation. An average of 3 inches in height per year can be expected depending on the type of species that you have planted. Always water the hedging properly through the summer months when it becomes hot and dry to prevent the roots from becoming damaged. Determine the appropriate pruning times to encourage new growth and remove the dead branches or dry patchy areas of the bush. This will not only help the plant develop faster, but also provides a more aesthetic result as you get rid of the dead or dying sections. Look out for any animals that may have nested in the shrub area before moving forward with a prune. It is a good idea to cut back hedges during late spring or the middle of summer. This stimulates the plant to produce higher levels of development. A look at the shape and the species can help determine effective times for pruning. A plant of around 24 inches can reach a height of 30 inches within 2 to 3 years. Providing hedges with the right conditions can help accelerate growth, but most plants will take an average of 5 years to achieve its full height and proper form. Taking the necessary steps to achieve a beautiful result can prove most rewarding.

The Most Popular Hedge Types

Hedges are common additions for any style or shape of garden creating an immediate privacy fence, blocking out noise, and adding an attractive feature. These plants grow in sun or shade and can be styled or trimmed into various shapes making a neat and modern appearance. Learning of the most popular hedge types can help determine which shrubs are the best choices. A favorable addition for any type of garden particularly sunny spots, is the box hedge. These hardy plants provide dense growth and can be clipped into many shapes without losing its glossy green coloration or thick foliage. It is the ideal choice as a boundary because it can grow to a considerable height making it suitable for all homes provided that you keep it under control. Juniper is an evergreen hedge that is ideal for gardens looking for a bright green addition that will certainly stand out. This can be added to darker corners in a shrub form or as a creeper to hide an unattractive wall providing considerable growth for a fair amount of coverage. These forms of vegetation respond well to pruning and will be welcomed in any style of garden. For warmer climates and drought prone conditions, oleander is a great addition offering a thick mass of growth and maintains its dark green coloring through the year. The shrub will form flowers in pink, white or red shades and will grow to a major height providing great privacy cover without losing its color or form. Exercise precaution when planting oleander as all parts of this plant are poisonous and should not be kept in areas frequented by pets or unaware children. Lilly Pilly hedges are beautiful plants possessing a deep copper to cherry red coloration making it a bold addition for gardens. These plants are certainly attractive features, but must be carefully examined for disease and pests that commonly attack the stems leading to a dull and deteriorated appearance. The proper care efforts can prevent these attacks and support the healthy condition of shrubs. Viburnum is found in most nurseries and remains a hardy evergreen hedge plant with large leaves and fast growth. Due to the exponential rate at which these hedges can grow, you will need to maintain routine trimming and ensure that it is kept at the proper height and shape. If you are looking to provide cover for a particular area from walls to unattractive areas in and around the garden, these shrubs will grow quickly. The release of sweet smells in box hedges such as the Murraya make it a fantastic feature for a small or larger garden. Flowering occurs during the warmer summer months and may be pruned to reach the proper height or shape. All homes can add this plant to the garden for a more exotic appeal. Depending on whether you are looking for dense cover for privacy, fast growth or drought tolerant plants, there are many types of hedges available. Research into maintenance is important as regular trimming will keep these plants in check. The right care and management will produce exceptional results for small to large gardens.

Tips For Landscaping With Deciduous Hedges

An attractive landscaping design is something that will instantly improve the value of any residential property. Lush foliage, colourful flowers, and a well-maintained hedge enhance the visual appeal of a yard while offering a natural way to mark property lines and provide some privacy for property owners. Depending on location and personal preference, deciduous hedges offer an affordable way for homeowners to decorate their property. Unlike evergreens, deciduous shrubs will change colour with the seasons, offering a variety of looks depending on the time of year. They are less expensive than evergreens, allowing consumers to cover more area with a smaller budget. In locations where wildlife thrives, deciduous varieties are preferable because evergreens attract deer, which will graze freely as high as they can reach. A deciduous hedge may or may not drop its leaves after they turn color. A beech hedge, for example, will hold onto the brown leaves throughout the winter adding lovely fall tones to a landscaping design. These species filter wind better than evergreens, so they are not as susceptible to damage caused by storms with strong winds. With enough space, an unclipped hedge creates a beautiful natural screen. This is useful in locations where houses are built close together and privacy is a concern. A properly maintained hedge can effectively block unattractive views and in some cases, can block out some traffic noise. The pruning schedule will vary according to the species. Consumers should consult with a local plant expert for advice on what type of hedge will thrive given the local soil type, amount of rainfall, and average temperature. A certain type of hedge may look good in a picture but if the local conditions cannot easily support its growth, the consumer will be wasting time and money trying to plant and maintain it. Like evergreens, these hedges do require pruning but they are more forgiving when it comes to lax maintenance. Trimming should occur annually during the late part of the summer for the best results. The good thing is, even if the homeowner neglects to prune for a year or two, the hedge will bounce back quickly when maintenance resumes. One way to save money on planting a hedge is to start with small transplants, often called whips, which are approximately 60 cm tall. Less mature plants will often establish easier but the homeowner will have to pay special attention to watering at first and wait for the hedge to grow to the desired size. Starting with mature plants will provide an instant hedge, but it will cost more up front and there may be problems if some of the plants suffer from establishment issues. Consumers have the option of hiring a professional landscaper or doing the planting themselves. Planting a hedge is something almost anyone can do with the right starter plants and a handful of simple garden tools. Working outdoors is a great way to stay active and when the work is done, the homeowner will reap the rewards of a luscious hedge for many years to come.

Using Evergreen Hedges To Enhance Any Landscape

Planting grass, trees, bushes, and flowers is the perfect way to enhance the appearance of any outdoor area. When property owners plant evergreen hedges, they get much more than just beautiful landscaping. A hedge can help reduce street noise, increase personal privacy, and increase property value when the homeowner decides to sell. One big advantage a hedge has over a wall or fence is cost. It is considerably less expensive than purchasing supplies and hiring a professional to build a wall or a fence. With a little bit of spare time and a few simple gardening tools, almost anyone can tackle this relatively simple home improvement project with satisfactory results. Planting hedges offers a great way to block views of a yard from the street. Homeowners have more privacy without sacrificing the natural beauty of living plants. If the hedge is a hardy species that grows in thick, it can even keep out stray animals and trespassers. Total cost will depend on a variety of factors, including what type of plant the homeowner chooses for the hedge. Another factor in determining cost is the size of the plants at the time of purchase. Younger plants will be more affordable, but the homeowner will have to wait longer, perhaps as long as a year or more, to enjoy the full effect of the hedge. Unlike deciduous species, an evergreen hedge will not drop its foliage when the weather turns cold. This makes evergreens the perfect choice when planting privacy screens or using the plants to block an unattractive view. Evergreen foliage can vary in color and may produce flowers or berries. Narrow leaf varieties feature leaves that look like needles seen on pine trees. Many varieties have leaves with a blue tint. Not all evergreen varieties have needles. Broadleaf varieties have leaves with a broad surface that may be marked with veins. A healthy hedge does require some maintenance, but with the proper nutrients, including adequate light and water, it will last for decades. Unlike a fence, homeowners will never have to worry about making repairs, painting or staining. Some species require more frequent pruning, so it is important for consumers to research maintenance requirements so they can choose a species that fits their needs and lifestyle. Arborvitae is one of the most popular varieties for hedging projects. These plants are vigorous, so they grow quickly and make great screens to block unsightly views. Boxwood is a plant that is easy to work with and can be trimmed into a variety of shapes. The downside to boxwood is the odor, which some people find unpleasant. Consumers who want to add security should consider barberry. Barberry has large leaves and grows barbs that make it impenetrable. This species will also produce berries that attract a wide variety of birds. Regardless of species, an evergreen hedge will enhance any landscaping project. A qualified horticulturist can provide details about the variety of plants that grow best in the area. Factors to consider include climate and soil type.

What To Consider Before Planting Laurel Hedges In Lancashire

Hedges serve a variety of purposes in residential and commercial landscaping. These lush green barriers provide a natural and attractive way to define property lines and preserve the property owner’s privacy. A thick hedge is just as effective for keeping out unwanted human and animal intruders as any fence or wall. If you want to beautify your yard and create a private oasis, you can find laurel hedges in Lancashire at a local nursery. The cost of your hedge will depend on whether you want to start from seedlings or pay extra for mature plants that will provide an instant living barrier. Smaller plants establish more quickly than large plants. They require less maintenance, but it will be several years before the hedge reaches the desired height and thickness. The Portugal laurel is an evergreen shrub that offers the advantage of providing privacy and shelter all year round. Evergreens require pruning once or twice per year to maintain their appearance, so they require more maintenance that deciduous shrubs. You may plant this hedge anytime between early autumn and late winter, but the ideal time is as early as possible before the ground has a chance to freeze. This type of laurel has ovate leaves that are dark green. The small white flowers are fragrant and bloom during the summer in racemes that can measure up to 25cm long. In the fall, the pollinated white flowers give way to small, purple fruits. This hedge can grow in partial shade or full sunlight with sufficient watering and drainage. It will grow facing any direction in both sheltered and exposed areas. This hardy plant can survive in clay or loamy, chalky, or sandy soil. The plant can grow in excess of 12 metres high and can have a spread wider than eight metres. Providing the proper aftercare as well as paying attention to root health, soil conditions, and weather, will improve the chances for establishment without problems. The most common causes of poor establishment include improper planting technique and failure to provide adequate amounts of water. Problems are typically most noticeable during late spring and usually show up within the first two years after the shrubs were planted. This shrub can fall prey to the vine weevil. Adult insects destroy the leaves during the warm time of the year while the grubs devour the roots during the autumn and winter. Controlling these pests at the first sign of activity can prevent wilting and death. Pruning should take place during the early spring and late winter for the best results. When pruning, the goal is to remove any crossing, damaged, congested or diseased shoots. After pruning you should add mulch to retain moisture in the soil, suppress weed growth, and protect the roots from extreme temperatures. A well-maintained hedge adds beauty to any landscaping design and can increase overall property value. Lancashire residents can visit a local nursery or an online hedge supplier for helping with choosing plants. They can also receive tips for planting and pruning to help protect their investment.

Reasons To Check Out Hornbeam Hedges For Sale

If you would like a more beautiful landscape, you might be thinking about re-seeding the lawn or buying new plants. It also may be a good idea to invest in some fountains or maybe a new sidewalk or patio. However, many people are seeing a lot of benefits in hornbeam hedges for sale, and here is why. The English hornbeam hedge or carpinus betulus is related to the beach tree and you can tell by looking at their leaves. They are excellent if you want a natural privacy fence on your property. In fact, once you plant them, you could have a six foot (1.8 metre) hedge in as little as five years time. This is relatively fast growing for a hedge. It won’t take long to fall in love with your new hedge. In fact, these plants do very well in clay soil and can tolerate wet conditions also. They provide a great deal of foliage for privacy and also help to shield your yard from the cold winter wind. Many plants lose their leaves in the fall, but hornbeams keep their leaves for most of the winter, making them the perfect natural fence for all seasons. In autumn hornbeams turn a lovely golden colour. In fact, they may look their best in wintertime, when covered with frost. These plants are not too expensive and can be purchased at many nurseries. If you want to save the most money on your hedge plants, buy them in bare root condition. However, you will have to make your purchase during the winter. In summer, they are usually only available in pots and will be a little more expensive because the pots come in larger sizes. Naturally, the larger the plant, the more you will pay. You can plant your hedges in just about any kind of soil. However, if the soil is poor or low on nutrients you may want to add some fertilizer. You can space them at about three plants for each metre. Once planted, trim off the top of each stem. This will cause the plants to spread out and become bushy, giving you a better hedge. If you desire a full hedge faster, consider planting staggered rows. For best results, keep compost around the plants and water frequently for the first year. Mulch will help to keep the moisture around your hedge plants. When you want your hedge to grow tall and appear to be on stilts, consider pleaching. Pleaching is all about training trees and hedges to grow in a specific way or pattern. Trimming out many of the lower branches will give you fewer support trunks, providing that “tall” look. For support, you will need to install special posts and support wires. Perhaps you don’t want to wait several years for a beautiful hedge. All you have to do is buy larger plants from your nursery. You may also buy an ornamental hedge called a Fastigiate Hornbeam. It grows into an egg shaped tree and is perfect for walkways. They make excellent screening trees when planted at about 300 cm apart.

Tips For Planting Hawthorn Hedges In Lancashire

Hedge plants are affordable and provide an attractive border for any landscaping design. You have many options when choosing a hedge plant for your yard but hawthorn is among the most popular. You can find affordable hawthorn hedges in Lancashire at any local nursery. Small plants, called whips, are the least expensive and are approximately 60cm tall. They are easy to establish but may take several years to reach the desired height. Semi-mature plants are more expensive and require more time to plant and water but they provide you with an instant hedge. Hawthorn is a deciduous tree meaning it drops its leaves annually. It has branches with spines and the leaves are toothed or lobed. It develops white flowers followed by black or red berries. The best time of the year to plant this type of hedge is between mid-autumn and late winter before the ground freezes. To prepare the soil, dig a strip 60-90cm wide and one spade blade deep. Remove any weeds and add organic matter. Use a fork to mix the compost into the soil. Form a ridge 50-70cm long and 15-20cm high. Place your plants with approximately 30-60cm between them. If you want a thicker hedge, plant them in a double row and stagger them with 90cm between the rows. Trim damaged roots and spread out the remaining roots. Add soil between the roots making sure they are in close contact and water if necessary. Add mulch to 7.5 cm deep to prevent any weeds from growing. You want to make sure give your plants plenty of water for the first two years, especially during dry spells. Top-dress once per year with fertilizer. Eliminate weeds around the plants and 45 cm on each side. Signs of poor establishment include brown or yellow leaves and shoots that die back. This problem will show up during the first two or three years after planting and usually in June. The most common causes are poor planting technique and lack of watering. This is why irrigation and controlling weeds are so critical. To avoid this problem make sure new plants are in a place free from frost with the roots covered and plant them in the ground as soon as possible. Plants will dry out very quickly during hot, dry weather. Mulch, organic matter, or plastic sheeting will help suppress weeds and retain water. Use organic mulch that is thick and coarse for the best results. While watering is important, waterlogged soil will kill plants, so the soil should have ample drainage. Aerating the soil with a fork will help improve drainage. Only water when the soil is dry. Your hedge will need more water when conditions are hot and windy. Following these tips will protect your investment. It may take up to three years for your hedge to become fully established. Once it is, you will have a lovely boundary for your yard or garden. Hedges not only provide structure but they are ideal for wildlife, especially nesting birds.

Tips For Growing Privet Hedges Lancashire

A privet hedge is a semi to evergreen shrub that is available in a wide range of plant species including flower varieties. It is a common choice for the home offering privacy and an attractive appearance, but requires regular care to ensure that healthy growth is facilitated and bushes are kept neatly trimmed. With growing tips for privet hedges Lancashire homes can maintain a grand garden feature. There are many types of shrubs that can be grown according to the different climates and regions offering the best condition for optimum plant development. The hedge range can be grown in both warm and cooler areas with flowers developing in the warmer summer seasons. These plants are favored for its thick leafy formation that can be trimmed and designed into a variety of creative hedge shapes and sizes. To ensure that the best possible growth is facilitated, it is important to keep these shrubs regularly trimmed after the flowering season. Careful pruning can be implemented by a garden service to ensure that the healthiest development takes place. A routine prune that is performed correctly can encourage stronger growth and will build vegetative resilience for disease and deterioration. By regularly trimming plants after the summer months, it encourages the formation of dense foliage and bushes that are suitable to provide privacy from prying eyes. The thicker leaves and growth can aid in creating unique shapes and attractive features for a property. It can develop into a considerable height and must remain neatly trimmed and cut back to prevent overgrowth. Do not plant these shrubs in soil that is very dry and lacks sufficient moisture to provide for the dense growth and root development. If you are preparing an area to plant a hedge, ensure that enough compose is laid that will retain water and keep the roots at a suitable temperature. The shrubs can be planted in a sunny or a partial shade position making it a versatile choice for all areas of the garden. The shrubs are an excellent choice for the creation of a striking hedge, but should not be planted alone. The formation of hedges can develop an impressive form and feature for the home offering dense foliage and an attractive feature. These sturdy plants are suitable for areas with pollution exposure and do not have to be continuously maintained to produce optimum growth. It is important to have a professional perform pruning procedures or wear safety gear when handling these shrubs. A privet hedge does possess poison and should only be handled with rubber gloves and can spread very rapidly if not kept under control. It is advised for gardens that are regularly maintained and will be able to keep the size of the bushes under control. A hedge can serve as a wonderful feature for any garden offering dense foliage, greenery, and an attractive result with regular care. Routine pruning is highly recommended as it assists in eliminating weaker areas and shaping the shrub for healthy growth. Professional gardening services can ensure that shrubbery remains neatly trimmed and shaped.

Hedge Supplier in Lancashire

When working on the design and construction of a beautiful lawn or commercial landscape project, there are so many options which will help enhance the appeal of the property. Using plants, trees and shrubs that are native to the area can also have a positive environmental impact on the area around the property, leading to even more beneficial effects for the neighborhood at large. The decision to work with native or non-native plants, what type of plants will be used and how the plants will be arranged on the property are all functions of a team. The property owner, property manager and the landscape architect or landscape gardener will all work together to make sure that the most appropriate products are chosen to produce the look and feel that the owner is looking for. How to Create A Great Hedge Creating a hedge on a property can provide not only a great atmosphere for beautiful birds to live in, but can create a sense of privacy for a homeowner in Lancashire. A properly designed hedge, even when planted with young plants, will grow to fill in for a concealing look, and a healthy arrangement of the plants. This means hedges can’t be planted too close together, but also can’t be planted too far apart. The look of a hedge that is well designed will be smooth and luxurious. For a property which has an existing hedge that may look wild or out of order, it’s likely that the design was not well thought out at the beginning, or that plants which were less than appropriate were selected to create the hedge look. Selecting plants which support the property as a whole, and will be nurtured by the soil and water available, will help the hedge to stay healthy looking and functional for a long time. Working with a Hedge Supplier Not every nursery or arborist will have the experience and knowledge necessary to make a hedge that fits the needs of the homeowner and the property itself. The training required to specialize well in the hedge creation and supply industry comes from a long education and a sense that the hedge is one of the best landscape features it’s possible to leverage for many properties. A hedge supplier who also works as a designer or landscape gardener will want to inspect the property in order to determine the status of any existing hedge, to see the property layout and to understand the soil and microclimate on the property. When a homeowner is working with a landscape architect or a landscape gardener, that professional will contract with the hedge supplier in order to complete the design of the property. The hedge suppliers in Lancashire who are best able to help with commercial and residential property landscaping needs will be able to supply hedges, trees and conifers like maple, birch, sweet chestnut, eucalyptus, laburnum and others. Discounting and preferred installation of the selected hedge plants can be negotiated with the purchase is in bulk, or when there’s an ongoing relationship between the landscape gardener and the hedge supplier.