World of Hedges

One of the best ways to liven up your landscaping plan is by including a few hedges. Many centuries ago, this type of shrubbery was use to make castles and other locations virtually impenetrable. However, among some of the most impressive things about this greenery are its ability to support and protect the land around it. Following is everything you need to know about hedges and the environment.

If you happen to live in an excessively wet or muddy region, hedges will actually act as natural sponges. They will soak up excess moisture so that ground flooding does not occur. This is also great for preventing soil erosion, mudslides, and other grading or moisture-related issues.

When you have a garden that’s subject to pooling water, a thick hedge can prevent floods from entering the home. They are an excellent choice for planting if you’ve had water enter the building from this area before. Moreover, when fertilizers, pesticides and other landscaping chemicals are used, a hedge can prevent these toxins from entering into the local water supply. Not only are they a formidable, physical barrier in this respect, but they also offer a unique filtration system. Thus, chemical contaminants are not only blocked, but they are also ultimately broken down.

They are also an excellent source of food and shelter for many insects, animals, and birds. This contributes to greater biodiversity in the region and by proxy, it also lends to healthier soils. As numerous species engage in the circle of life, they all contribute a diverse array of nutrients to the ground around them.

Hedges are also wildlife corridors. They serve as through-ways for many species. As such, not only are they a primary source of housing for many critters, but they also make other habitat choices more accessible and sustainable.