World of Hedges

Answers To The Question: Do Hedges Flower?

If you are considering hedging, choose beautiful plants that produce flowers. There are varieties of plants that you can choose from. Flowering hedges improve the beauty of your home and make it difficult for intruders to access your property. Looking at different hedges can help you know whether they produce flowers. Typically, do hedges flower? This is the question that this guide will help you find answers. Most people might not know if hedges produce flowers. Knowing the type of hedge you grow in your home or commercial place can help you understand how it will appear when fully grown. It is also necessary to look at different hedges that can improve the beauty of your space. If you have never come across flowering hedges, know that some are flowering plants. Here are some flowering hedges you may grow in your home. Cherry Laurel One of the flowering hedges people can choose is cherry laurel, also known as rotundifolia in Latin. It is an evergreen plant, and can do well in any British environment. Cherry laurel is popular in the UK and other regions for its ever-sprouting leaves, suitable for glossy hedge. Consider this hedging plant if you want to have the best hedge. English Yellow Hedge Plant If you are looking for an evergreen, flowering plant, the English yellow hedge plant is the right choice for you. It is a plant with an elegant appearance that will improve the beauty of your outdoor space. English yellow hedge plant is one of the popular conifers hedge people love because of its ease of maintenance, attractiveness, and best for boundary hedge. Most homeowners love the beauty of the flowers this plant produces on hedges. Box Box hedging is one of the best if you are looking for flowering hedges. Those looking for low-level hedges should consider the Box hedge as an ideal option. Besides being the right hedging choice, it also produces blossoming flowers that might enhance the appearance of your home. It is also easy to grow and maintain if you want a short hedge in your residential or commercial place. English Lavender Lavender plants are evergreen, beautiful shrubs mostly used for hedging. English lavender is a traditional plant in the United Kingdom, often used for compact hedging. It is suitable for hedging in residential, industrial, and commercial areas because it enhances the beauty of these places by producing attractive flowers. Consider these flowering hedges if you want to inspire envy in your neighborhood.

Using Evergreen Hedges To Enhance Any Landscape

Planting grass, trees, bushes, and flowers is the perfect way to enhance the appearance of any outdoor area. When property owners plant evergreen hedges, they get much more than just beautiful landscaping. A hedge can help reduce street noise, increase personal privacy, and increase property value when the homeowner decides to sell. One big advantage a hedge has over a wall or fence is cost. It is considerably less expensive than purchasing supplies and hiring a professional to build a wall or a fence. With a little bit of spare time and a few simple gardening tools, almost anyone can tackle this relatively simple home improvement project with satisfactory results. Planting hedges offers a great way to block views of a yard from the street. Homeowners have more privacy without sacrificing the natural beauty of living plants. If the hedge is a hardy species that grows in thick, it can even keep out stray animals and trespassers. Total cost will depend on a variety of factors, including what type of plant the homeowner chooses for the hedge. Another factor in determining cost is the size of the plants at the time of purchase. Younger plants will be more affordable, but the homeowner will have to wait longer, perhaps as long as a year or more, to enjoy the full effect of the hedge. Unlike deciduous species, an evergreen hedge will not drop its foliage when the weather turns cold. This makes evergreens the perfect choice when planting privacy screens or using the plants to block an unattractive view. Evergreen foliage can vary in color and may produce flowers or berries. Narrow leaf varieties feature leaves that look like needles seen on pine trees. Many varieties have leaves with a blue tint. Not all evergreen varieties have needles. Broadleaf varieties have leaves with a broad surface that may be marked with veins. A healthy hedge does require some maintenance, but with the proper nutrients, including adequate light and water, it will last for decades. Unlike a fence, homeowners will never have to worry about making repairs, painting or staining. Some species require more frequent pruning, so it is important for consumers to research maintenance requirements so they can choose a species that fits their needs and lifestyle. Arborvitae is one of the most popular varieties for hedging projects. These plants are vigorous, so they grow quickly and make great screens to block unsightly views. Boxwood is a plant that is easy to work with and can be trimmed into a variety of shapes. The downside to boxwood is the odor, which some people find unpleasant. Consumers who want to add security should consider barberry. Barberry has large leaves and grows barbs that make it impenetrable. This species will also produce berries that attract a wide variety of birds. Regardless of species, an evergreen hedge will enhance any landscaping project. A qualified horticulturist can provide details about the variety of plants that grow best in the area. Factors to consider include climate and soil type.


If you wish to know the background of the hedgerows that commonly separate neighbors from each others, there’s quite a lot to know. The history of hedges, in fact, is wide-ranging and steeped in cultural history. Here is a brief run-down of how they came to be and what their main functions are in the modern world we are currently living in. The hedge row originally came to the forefront many thousands of years ago where they were used as boundaries to separate fields of cereal crops from one another. While it is possible they were used to mark primitive property lines, they were more likely used as windbreaks so that young crops would have an easier time to get started. Early Neolithic farmers grew everything from wheat to oats. Original hedges were planted to follow tree lines that were already in place because of the soil. Some soils are richer than others, and the lines were often planted to designate the boundary lines between the different soils. This allowed farmers to determine which crops to plant in the different fields so that they would have a better chance of surviving. A hedge can rest on a number of foundations that already exist. During the medieval period and into the early Modern period, many shrubs were planted near stonewalls that acted as a ready-made straight line. People also used earthen mounds to create a little extra height for their property line. The mounds boosted the shrubbery to heights of a few extra feet. In the modern era, it is common to see large trees make up part of the hedge line. Beech trees, for example, are not unusual in Great Britain and can be seen along the edges of fields and grassy areas. Large oaks and beeches make great homes for wildlife for people who are interested in the natural world. The trees attract a greater number of species to the property, and these animals can then be viewed in person or with binoculars. In today’s world, hedges are often utilized for privacy. They can be grown to great heights and can conceal houses and buildings from the nearby sidewalk. This offers a nice degree of privacy that some homeowners and business owners would be quite keen on. Finally, a hedgerow can be used as part of the decorative scheme of a piece of property. The shrubbery can be trimmed into shapes of animals or other objects that will offer an intriguing appearance to people who happen to be walking by. In fact, in many towns and cities, there are even hedge-shaping competitions that award prizes to the winners. How the hedge developed is fascinating. By following its history, we can learn about how men and women lived from the early agricultural ages all the way up to the present. If you yourself are thinking of adding a hedge to your property, you’ll be able to choose from a number of different options that will help you improve your property and impress visitors whenever they arrive at your door.

Tips For Landscaping With Deciduous Hedges

An attractive landscaping design is something that will instantly improve the value of any residential property. Lush foliage, colourful flowers, and a well-maintained hedge enhance the visual appeal of a yard while offering a natural way to mark property lines and provide some privacy for property owners. Depending on location and personal preference, deciduous hedges offer an affordable way for homeowners to decorate their property. Unlike evergreens, deciduous shrubs will change colour with the seasons, offering a variety of looks depending on the time of year. They are less expensive than evergreens, allowing consumers to cover more area with a smaller budget. In locations where wildlife thrives, deciduous varieties are preferable because evergreens attract deer, which will graze freely as high as they can reach. A deciduous hedge may or may not drop its leaves after they turn color. A beech hedge, for example, will hold onto the brown leaves throughout the winter adding lovely fall tones to a landscaping design. These species filter wind better than evergreens, so they are not as susceptible to damage caused by storms with strong winds. With enough space, an unclipped hedge creates a beautiful natural screen. This is useful in locations where houses are built close together and privacy is a concern. A properly maintained hedge can effectively block unattractive views and in some cases, can block out some traffic noise. The pruning schedule will vary according to the species. Consumers should consult with a local plant expert for advice on what type of hedge will thrive given the local soil type, amount of rainfall, and average temperature. A certain type of hedge may look good in a picture but if the local conditions cannot easily support its growth, the consumer will be wasting time and money trying to plant and maintain it. Like evergreens, these hedges do require pruning but they are more forgiving when it comes to lax maintenance. Trimming should occur annually during the late part of the summer for the best results. The good thing is, even if the homeowner neglects to prune for a year or two, the hedge will bounce back quickly when maintenance resumes. One way to save money on planting a hedge is to start with small transplants, often called whips, which are approximately 60 cm tall. Less mature plants will often establish easier but the homeowner will have to pay special attention to watering at first and wait for the hedge to grow to the desired size. Starting with mature plants will provide an instant hedge, but it will cost more up front and there may be problems if some of the plants suffer from establishment issues. Consumers have the option of hiring a professional landscaper or doing the planting themselves. Planting a hedge is something almost anyone can do with the right starter plants and a handful of simple garden tools. Working outdoors is a great way to stay active and when the work is done, the homeowner will reap the rewards of a luscious hedge for many years to come.