Hedges are common additions for any style or shape of garden creating an immediate privacy fence, blocking out noise, and adding an attractive feature. These plants grow in sun or shade and can be styled or trimmed into various shapes making a neat and modern appearance. Learning of the most popular hedge types can help determine which shrubs are the best choices.
A favorable addition for any type of garden particularly sunny spots, is the box hedge. These hardy plants provide dense growth and can be clipped into many shapes without losing its glossy green coloration or thick foliage. It is the ideal choice as a boundary because it can grow to a considerable height making it suitable for all homes provided that you keep it under control.
Juniper is an evergreen hedge that is ideal for gardens looking for a bright green addition that will certainly stand out. This can be added to darker corners in a shrub form or as a creeper to hide an unattractive wall providing considerable growth for a fair amount of coverage. These forms of vegetation respond well to pruning and will be welcomed in any style of garden.
For warmer climates and drought prone conditions, oleander is a great addition offering a thick mass of growth and maintains its dark green coloring through the year. The shrub will form flowers in pink, white or red shades and will grow to a major height providing great privacy cover without losing its color or form. Exercise precaution when planting oleander as all parts of this plant are poisonous and should not be kept in areas frequented by pets or unaware children.
Lilly Pilly hedges are beautiful plants possessing a deep copper to cherry red coloration making it a bold addition for gardens. These plants are certainly attractive features, but must be carefully examined for disease and pests that commonly attack the stems leading to a dull and deteriorated appearance. The proper care efforts can prevent these attacks and support the healthy condition of shrubs.
Viburnum is found in most nurseries and remains a hardy evergreen hedge plant with large leaves and fast growth. Due to the exponential rate at which these hedges can grow, you will need to maintain routine trimming and ensure that it is kept at the proper height and shape. If you are looking to provide cover for a particular area from walls to unattractive areas in and around the garden, these shrubs will grow quickly.
The release of sweet smells in box hedges such as the Murraya make it a fantastic feature for a small or larger garden. Flowering occurs during the warmer summer months and may be pruned to reach the proper height or shape. All homes can add this plant to the garden for a more exotic appeal.
Depending on whether you are looking for dense cover for privacy, fast growth or drought tolerant plants, there are many types of hedges available. Research into maintenance is important as regular trimming will keep these plants in check. The right care and management will produce exceptional results for small to large gardens.