World of Hedges

As the beginning segment of summer approaches, most people may want to think about doing some planting. In areas where the growing season is at least four or five months long, you’ll be able to plant a range of vegetables and flowers that will look great both in the ground and in containers. Here are some trusty tips for starting your own garden before the summer becomes too advanced in age. With this June gardening advice 2020 should bestow you with the best growing season of your life.

If you are starting your own lovely container garden, getting some nice ceramic pots can make all the difference. Elegant pots look great in the yard, on the patio, or on the porch steps. If you have a knack for the arts, you might even choose to paint a few containers to add your own personal style to your garden. Ceramic is relatively easy to paint with acrylics, and you can choose the designs that make you the happiest.

Always use good soil for your new garden. This usually means buying brand-name potting soil that has a history of producing good plants. Many top-notch soils also come with slow-release fertilizer, which feeds for up to six months. You’ll want to fill your containers almost to the top so that your vegetables and flowers have plenty of space to develop extensive root systems, which will ultimately allow for more blossoms.

June is an excellent month, depending on your garden zone, to start some of the most well-known vegetables. Tomatoes will do well in a range of soils. Bury the stems deep, as the plants can grow root systems directly from the central stalk. Patio tomatoes, which have been cultivated to do well in smaller containers, are popular with people who live with apartments and who do not have a lot of extraneous space.

Consider also planting some peppers. Whether you like the sweet variety or the spicy variety, there are many different ones to choose from. Both cayenne and banana can be made into salsas with a bit of a bite. Peppers love hot weather and will remain stagnant until the weather turns warm for good. Give the plants fertilizer only when they begin to start flowering.

You might also take the opportunity to plant some popular flowers. Giant sunflowers, for instance, are relatively easy to grow and will provide grand bursts of color during latter part of summer. Sunflower seeds can be planted directly in the ground, but keep a close eye on them to see if rabbits or other critters are taking bites out of the tender young leaves. Mature sunflowers are generally safe from animals.

Be sure that you put plants that need full sun in areas that get at least eight hours of sun-light each day. Many vegetables, like tomatoes and peppers, like as much sun as possible. Partial shade plants, on the other hand, need less light.

Armed with an array of gardening advice, you can plant both vegetables and flowers. You’ll be pleased with the results. Visitors to your home will love the bountiful color!