The Benefits Of Hedges Around Your Property
If you are thinking about having a fence around your property, think about putting up a hedge. This is due to the several benefits of hedges. The best time to plant a hedge is as soon as you move in to your property, before you know it, the plants and trees will be established. Here are some top reasons why having hedges is a good idea. It is not very expensive to plant a hedge. This is because the cost of buying the small plants varies, so you can buy something that you can afford. There are also many varieties of plants, so you can easily choose from the many options that are available. This makes the cost of the fence so much cheaper than other types of fences. You can handle it as a do it yourself project. You do not have to employ someone else to do it for you, since all you have to do is to plant the plants around your property. This will save you the cost and hassle of hiring a professional to do it for you. This can give you great satisfaction, knowing that you are the one who set up the live fence around your property. It can also make for a great DIY project for your family. If it is well maintained, it will generally look good and smell good. This will increase the aesthetic appeal of your house and help to increase the property value if you are planning to sell the property. Also, a hedge will blend in well with the rest of your landscape design and the fact that it is natural is a plus. If you love nature and animals, then this will be a great way to attract them. Birds can nest on the plants and other insects, such as butterflies, will frequently visit your compound. If you are in a rural area or out in the wild and you want to attract some wild animals, you can place some feeders in the hedge. Animals will come to eat and drink from the feeder. You will enjoy a lot of privacy in your compound, as you can keep out unwanted gazes from neighbours and people in the streets. Try and make your hedge thick, if you want lots of privacy. You can combine it with some climbers to increase your level of privacy. You can use short hedges to outline a path in your compound. This will make it easier for guests to know where to walk. This will prevent people from walking on your grass or any other area where you don’t want people to walk. This will ensure that your grass and other plants don’t get ruined. The plants will act as a windbreaker. This will prevent any plants that you have planted in your garden from getting destroyed by winds which are too strong. This will encourage your plants to grow twice as fast. This is also a great way to reduce your heating bills, as cool winds will be filtered away from the main house.
Exploring The Benefit Of Hedges To Birdlife
One can’t place a value on beauty and purpose when it comes to nature. Everything has a purpose and function when dealing with the aspects of the great outdoors. Sometimes, those things which appear to have the least amount of significance, is what others need the most. No one takes the time to look at the benefit of hedges to birdlife, when they observe these beautiful creatures in their natural habitat. Hedgerows are very significant when it comes to wildlife. It is known that they support 80 percent of birds from the woodland, not to mention about half of mammals and over 25 percent of butterflies. Ditches and banks that are commonly linked to hedges provide a place for reptiles, frogs, and other amphibians to live. The maintenance of hedge heights is of extreme importance, because they support many types of birds and their dwelling tendencies. For example, blackbirds and greenfinches may rest above ground level, while robins, whitethroats, and wrens nest on lower levels. Birds such as grey partridges use grass from the bottom of the hedgerow in which to rest. Managing a hedgerow with a grassy verge at the bottom is very important. It provides a grassy cover for all animals. Field margins and hedgerows with grassy bottoms are of extreme importance because they provide insect larvae for baby birds to feed upon as well as nesting material. All types of wild flowers and grass grow on a hedge and helps to conceal nests from approaching predators. During the winter months, hedgerows serve as roosting and feeding sites for local bids and visiting birds such as the redwing. Hedges that provide plenty of cover and material for birds are the best. However, there should be a variety of shapes and sizes that extend to woody areas. Hedgerows that contain a large number of woody species are good because they can support more birds. Trees such as the oak are excellent because they also support a huge variety of insects and are amazing as song posts. Trees that are older in nature have lots of wholes which provide places of rest for bats, owls, and kestrels. Dead timber is an excellent source of food for insects and are usually left in the hedges. It is better when there is a huge variety of trees and shrubs. Nectar is provided by different species of flowers that also attract more insects, which of course, attracts more birds. These flowers will also supply a lot of berries that will attract other wild life. Hedges are so very important because it provides a wonderful habitat for birds. It provides, food, safety, as well as shelter. Depending upon the seasons, many different types of birds will become regular visitors and eventually build their own residence. Also, the more birds that are attracted, the more one can learn and observe the different variety of birds right in one’s own backyard. Hedges not only are of value to birds, insects, and amphibians, but are also a great source of education for the human species.
The Best UK Hedges For 2021
Hedges are usually planted for a variety of reasons. They provide privacy, define boundaries and they act as windbreakers. Finding the right plants for your property is key to them serving their purpose. Here are the best UK hedges for 2021. Hawthorn Hawthorn is widely used in cases where a mixed fence is used. This is when more than one plant is used to create a barrier. Some of its advantages include that it is thorny, as well as dense, which makes it very effective for stock proofing. It also provides a good nesting place for birds. Hazel This plant is best for areas where large fences are needed. It has large leaves and it can even grow into a tree. It produces nuts, which attracts rodents such as squirrels. Its flowers attracts bees. Lawsons Suppress Lawsons Suppress is noted for its fast growth rate. It grows up to two metres high. It is a colorful plant that will attract birds and butterflies. This shrub does well in windy and dry environments. It will provide you with the privacy that you need. Cherry Cherry is a plant will remain evergreen throughout the year. This provides you with a great backdrop for your garden, as well as a nice nesting ground for birds. The plants retain their leaves even in winter. The plant does well in most places. Holly This is a prickly plant that provides a good boundary. If you want it to produce berries, then you need both male and female plants. It grows slowly, but steadily. Berberis Golden Torch This decorative plant is also impenetrable. It has orange-colored leaves. It produces golden flowers during spring. It is quite fragrant and tends to attract bees. Lavender Lavender is a good option if you are looking for low hedging. This can be used when you want to separate various areas without creating a barrier
Selecting Native Hedge Plants UK
Native hedge plants are defined as those which have developed naturally in an area, without the need for heroic measures to ensure that they will survive. Some of the native hedge plants UK homeowners choose include Box, Beech, Yew and Hornbeam. These plants do well with the typical soil conditions and climatic conditions which are common throughout the United Kingdom. The reasons for planting native plant hedges are varied. You may like the precise edged look of your landscape when a hedgerow defines the space. Privacy is another reason for installing a line of hedging around the perimeter of a property, or for screening of areas where you don’t want them on public display. Some plantings are known for their encouragement to birds, butterflies or even small animals that can live in close proximity to humans. Flowering hedges tend to be a magnet for butterflies and bees. Some birds are also drawn by flowers, or by the leafy outgrowth. Supporting the wildlife and insect life is environmentally responsible. Shade is another benefit that can be enjoyed, at least on those green options which grow to a substantial height. Maybe it is just a window which needs to be shaded, during part or all of the day. If you pick the appropriate plants, you gain shade without blocking the view completely. The right plants can help to lower the temperature indoors by several degrees. Privacy is very important to some homeowners. The greenery or flowing hedge line can prevent casual passers-by from seeing into areas of the house or garden that would otherwise be on full display. A privacy hedge is also able to temper the sound levels from automobiles passing by. This leaves an outdoor area which is serene and peaceful for reading or relaxing. The opposite effect is found when the homeowner wants to entertain outdoors without disturbing the neighbors. A patio with outdoor living space is a great place for a group of friends or family members to gather in the cool of the evening. When planning a gathering on your patio or pergola, appropriate plant screening makes the outdoor space more secluded and inviting. Some homeowners use the hedges to block access to the property. The plants used in this instance may rely on close proximity to make it difficult for intruders to get through. Other plant features could include thorns or branches which cause scratches or torn garments. These hedgerows don’t completely prevent access, but certainly discourage it. They can effectively block human or animal intruders. The flora may be combined with a wire or wooden fence, which is both effective and aesthetically pleasing. The type of hedge plantings which you choose will depend on the purpose of them. The plantings come in a variety of heights, including low growing, mid-height and tall. Most of the choices are evergreen, and many have flowers as well as greenery. Another factor to consider is how much time you want to spend in care and pruning your hedge. Some of the choices from your nearby garden center or nursery grow more rapidly than others.