What Are Evergreen Hedge Types?
A beautiful, well-maintained hedge in your garden can serve various purposes. It can help block unwanted views and noise, be a boundary and, of course, improve the attractiveness of your garden. How you want to use your favorite type of evergreen hedges will depend on your interests. In this article, we will help you know what are evergreen hedge types. Portuguese Laurel Also known as prunus lusitanica, this evergreen hedge has lustrous green leaves that grow away from their maroon-colored stems. They are easy to grow and can be cut back when necessary. Choosing this type of hedge will help you create a boundary, improve the beauty of your home, and enhance the outdoor space. Those who need a dense hedge can prune this plant from late summer to autumn. Hedge Germander If you are looking for an informal, evergreen, and informal hedge, germander is the way to go. Hedge germander is a Mediterranean, aromatic plant that flourishes in similar conditions as lavender plant. After flowering, clipping it helps it increase foliage and provides a better evergreen hedge. It can grow well in an environment with full sun and well-drained soil. Griselinia Those after a bright, evergreen hedge can consider griselinia as the right choice. It is a hedge with apple-green, rounded foliage that can fit nearly in every home. If you are looking for a dense foliage from this hedge, annual trimming during late summer can help. This plant is tolerant of salt winds, making it a suitable hedge for coastal regions. Consider this type of hedge for all your evergreen boundary and outdoor beauty needs. Box Buxus sempervirens, box, are typically the evergreen hedging plant, and for the right reason. It has rich, small, good-looking leaves and can be clipped into an elegant hedge. Ensure you combat box tree caterpillars and box blight to keep your beautiful hedge growing. There are other varieties of evergreen hedges, such as Holly, Yew, Holm oak, Pittosporum, and more to choose from if you need to grow an evergreen hedge.
What Are Fast Growing Hedge Types?
Fast-growing hedges are always in demand for any nature loving individual. Hedges have a wide range of uses, including privacy, shade, sheds, fences, and air-conditioning units. Rapid growing hedges are always desirable since they meet their desired purpose within a short time. In this article, we explore what are fast growing hedge types. Green Bamboo They make elegant looking hedges, improving the nature since they grow to desirable heights fast and have dense foliage. These hedges have green leaves with upright canes. The most popular fast-growing bamboo variety is the running type. This type spreads quickly, hence filling an area quickly, but one has to be careful so that it does not grow to the undesired regions. To prevent it from overrunning, barriers can be placed strategically. Alnus Glutinosa Alder is a fast-growing deciduous hedge plant with a dense leafy screen, with a growth rate of more than 60cm annually. This growth feature gives a habitat to wildlife, including birds, butterflies, moths, and caterpillars. This hedge thrives well in wet and quality soils, hence best suit for coastal areas and other waterside areas. In case of waterlogged gardens, alder is a perfect choice. Combining alder with other native species is advisable for an excellent-looking hedge. Cherry Laurel This species grows rapidly, having an estimated growth of 30-60cm per year. Cherry Laurel hedge has excellent features including evergreen foliage, white flowers and wildlife friendly. The Lauren hedging thrives in normal or dry soils, achieving heights of up to 5metres. This hedging, when used, aids in breaking wind and noise and improving the appearance with its evergreen foliage. Golden Leylandii For an attractive golden looking hedge, golden Leylandii is best suited. It explodes with a dense foliage up to 60cm per year. The Leylandii hedge thrives in normal soils, achieving heights of up to 6 meters. When choosing a fast-growing hedging plant, one should consider any of the above.
The Hedges That Flower In The Summer
Besides offering protection, a live fence serves as an aesthetic. It can be made of different plant species, but during the summer, there are plants that produce flowers making the sight glow beautifully. They will glow according to the combinations you set up. With a wide scale to choose from, you can end up with a blooming fence once the summer hits. The bloom may not only be experienced in the summer but even during the other seasons. In the summertime, common flowering species include the Mockrange, Bluebeard, Butterfly bush, Dwarf crape myrtle, and the Rose of Sharon. These are examples of the ideal ones that will sprout blooms in the summer and give your hedge an appealing and breathtaking appeal. You have to choose the types that are accessible to you because not all of them can be found easily everywhere. The species are also selected according to their ecological requirements. Ensure they can grow and thrive in your area before you plant them. If one is forced where it cannot thrive, it leads to gaps in your live fence, and this does not bring about the look you yearn. Proper maintenance and care is paramount to ensure they thrive and grow healthy for their purpose to be realized. These types require still conditions for their optimum blossoming. The soil must be nutritious to supply the nutrients the plants need for growth. Strong winds are usually a damaging factor that the blooms should be protected from. If all necessary conditions are provided and possible environmental disturbances eradicated, then you will have a breathtaking sight once summer comes. You can boost the nutrition of the shrubs using fertilizers. The most common one is the All Purpose Plant Food fertilizer, which is ideal for extra macro-nutrients. These macro-nutrients support healthy, rich foliage, lush blooms, and vigorous growth. There are other recommended premium fertilizers which can be applied to give you the vegetative and lush bloom you long to see. The shrubs end up attracting some insects that are harmful to them. These insects can affect their growth and lead to their death. You can notice strange spots and parts of the blooms which have been eaten by the insects. Appropriate insecticides are recommended, and you have to do them in the correct proportions. Using other forms of sprays and chemicals should be under the guidance of a skilled gardener, or with the proper knowledge required.
The Importance Of Hedges To Nesting Birds Today
Many property owners spend time maintaining hedges to look beautiful and healthy. Though these living walls work as decorative elements, they practically have more than that. People will trim these walls, thus affecting how birds nest on them. You need to learn about the importance of Hedges to nesting birds today and how to go about maintaining them. When summer and spring arrive, people spend time outdoors and grass gardens. If you have that nature to look at, you enjoy the place. In the same way you use the enclose, nesting creatures also love the same. The animals hop from one wall to the other, looking for worms and playing. It is at this time that these flying creatures start to house hunt. Here, these feathered creatures use the shrubs, trees, and climbers to have their nests done. From the above, we can say that vegetation will become a lifeline to the animals. The shrubs will give a foundation on where their homes rest. If trim and removing the enclosures, it means they will not have a house. If they build, the nest will not have a foundation to protect their eggs and chicks. That is why you must use the rule of nature to have the living walls stay intact when the breeding season comes. The hedges remain a vital part of the flocks. With enough vegetation, it means protection from rain, wind, and sun. For some, it will be a place to hide from predators when they come from laying eggs. Managing the vegetation means adding more security and ensuring breeding continues naturally. Today, a bird friendly hedge becomes an excellent addition to the garden. You do not have to sacrifice the privacy of your property. If you have these enclosures, do not trim when the animals are about to start breeding. Remember that they like building in some thorny branches which offer security from predators. Also, having these branches make it an ideal component for them. We all must use friendly shrubs. Always have a mixture of these elements to support various species of feathered animals. With a mixture, it will provide food, house opportunities, loose twigs, and a place where they can seek shelter. It gives them a perfect hiding place and an area full of food at any given time. The barricade done by people will also provide a perfect pollination place and allow flowers to flourish. The animals feast on them when they come from hibernating. Within, you see some enjoying, and they coexist with each other. With enough pollination, there is enough food. Any person planning to maintain the shrubs must know the existence of native species brought by external factors. With the right plants left to thrive, the nesting ones get a little paradise to lay eggs, play, and even build their homes. Do not make things harder by destroying the habitat when maintaining the garden. You have to provide some space and food from nature. Remember that the law of wildlife gives a guide on what to do and avoid.
Know How Hedges Help Wildlife Habitat Today
All over the world, wildlife plays a significant role in the ecosystem. As such, humans must live with the surrounding animals in a friendly manner. There exist natural boundaries that separate people and animals. Some of these boundaries are done by humans, while others come naturally. Many people who love their ecosystem might wish to set an edge and provide a good environment. Achieving this means incorporating some hedges. In this article, we learn how hedges help wildlife. Many people do not understand the importance of hedges within an ecosystem. Apart from keeping animals inside their natural fields and acting as boundaries, these boundaries remain a vital component for flora and fauna. With the destruction of many woodlands, animals and plants within an ecosystem suffer. Many species have thus become adapted to living within the barricades. The encloses become a roadway to get within the woods. Instated of building walls and fixing fences to act as wildlife boundaries, experts recommend hedges. The best solution involves native shrubs and trees. These shrubs and trees make it easy for different species to move between gardens and any other space. Therefore, these plants make it easy to move across. Another benefit seen comes in the form of food. A higher percentage of fauna depend on flora as food. Plants within a particular corridor act as food. Different species eat leaves, berries, flowers containing nectar, nuts and seeds. Some predators also get their food from insects that breed and live within that ecosystem. Humans need to have these barricades in various places. Once done, it becomes a link to different habitats. Research done indicates that a hedge provide a natural corridors. Animals can travel to and from many places within that corridor. If you care about the ecosystem, planting in the correct location will add that important corridor or link. Some people love to see birds flying around them. For such people, creating an excellent habitat remains a great investment. Trees, shrubs and other elements that make up a wildlife hedge provide an ideal habitat for pollinators and birds. These habitats allow birds and pollinators to thrive and increase in number. A regular fence will not provide this habitat. Privacy remains an essential element in the ecosystem. A barricade done correctly brings privacy to the species residing inside. Also, these boundaries act as noise reduction elements. Because of this, the species have a good time living within calm boundaries. In a single place or habitat, you find different sites. Each site remains ideal for a given species. These sites must remain connected to benefit flora and fauna. You will find people doing the planting, while some grow naturally, thus become the ideal connection to those sites. Though these barricades have played a significant role in helping flora and fauna, people must be keen when planting them. Choose wisely and allow the fauna to benefit. When grown to a good height, try to make some improvements so that the wildlife enjoys and benefits. On the sides, leave some spaces to act as corridors. By doing this, you get something that looks beautiful and also becomes part of the fauna.
What Are Fast Growing Hedge Types
When planning landscaping and beautification of the outdoor spaces of your home, there are typically several types of plantings and other features which are considered. One of these is a hedge. Hedges are used for various reasons, but homeowners usually want hedge types which will grow quickly in order to improve the aesthetics of the area. When a tall boundary line of plants is needed to screen an area or to define a property line, the question becomes: What are fast growing hedge types that can be planted to show the most results in the shortest time? It is easy to become overwhelmed when choosing from a nursery catalogue, so identifying several characteristics before buying is important. The size of the plants when mature is a critical element. Deciding between flowering and non-flowering plants is another factor. The amount of care which each type of border plant requires is also to be considered. Of course, the climate and soil type are also elements which should be considered before planting. No matter how much you like the look of a particular plant, if you live in a cold climate and the plant prefers a warm and humid environment, your plantings may not thrive. Tall hedges are a low cost way to define boundaries while beautifying the landscape. Fast growing hedges means that the initial cost is lower and the plants soon become large and tall enough to provide a privacy screen without spending the money that planting taller greenery would require. It is important to think about how the plantings tolerate shade and sun, as well. Are they tolerant of dry weather, or do they need constant babying to maintain an aesthetically appealing appearance? If deciding on a plant from pictures in a catalog or online is still challenging decision-making powers, the suggestions of a landscape architect or nursery personnel can assist with the right choices
What Is Pleached Hedging? And How To Go About The Process
Pleached trees, also known as espaliered trees, are used to make tunnels, arbors, arches together with hedges. The process can work well with chestnut, hornbeam, beech, among other trees. To understand what pleached hedging is, we have to debunk what pleaching is first. So what is pleaching? This is a garden term that refers to the interlacing of a young tree in a framework so that you can produce a hedge or screen. Th article outlines what is pleached hedging? The technique is a way of growing young trees in a line and tying their branches to form a plane on the trunk. The branches are tied on support to ensure the outcome forms tiers. After this is done, the trees will grow together like they were grafted. This method was one of the defining moments in the garden designing sector in the 17th century. The method was used to provide privacy and also mark grand allees. It has recently gained popularity in this modern era. When you use the pleaching technique to make a united line of young trees, that is referred to as plashed hedging. Before undertaking the process, you must know about the critical care and attention that pleached hedges require. Pleaching hedges can also be described as training or sculpting trees to create a flat framework on top of a clear stem. The branches are trimmed and pruned to create a foliage shape that is more like a hedge, which adds aesthetics value to your garden. It usually adds a focal point in garden architecture. Trees, once established, will need a little assistance from you for them to grow exceptionally well. And when you have incorporated the pleaching hedging technique, this will not be different. The trees have to be pruned and tied to a support unit twice in a growing season. The duration for such work will depend on the labor force you have. You may work the entire day to complete the bi-annual work of ten trees. If you are interested in getting plashed hedges on your garden, then the process has been easier for you than before. This is because various garden centers provide ready-made pleached trees at a fee, of course. If you invest in pre pleached hedge trees, it will go along way in ensuring you get started a lot faster than if you were to begin from scratch. If you embrace DIY pleaching, then you must tie new young supple shots to a support unit using a cross to cross pattern. It would be best if you plaited the lateral branches of a tree with trees planted next in a row on either side. Once you notice that the frame is strong enough, it is only then that you will remove the support system. When pleaching is done to create arbors and tunnels, the support system is always retained. You also have to ensure when creating such tunnels; they should be tall enough so that you will be able to pass through when the pleaching method that spreads the branches to the support system. These are some of the pointers you need to know when it comes to this garden design.
What Is A Bare Root Hedge

Many plants do exist in this world. However, not all of them have the same characteristics. This has led to consumers asking many questions, such as what is a bare root hedge? A bare root plant means a plant that has exposed roots instead of being covered by the soil. These plants are normally available within a certain period of the year, which is between November and April. This period is also referred to by the gardening world as the dormant season. The dormant season typically makes it possible for plants to be easily moved, stored, and also replanted without damaging the root system of the plants. This has made it possible for many people to enjoy a wide variety of advantages when they choose this type of plant, as highlighted below. Bare rooted plants normally require fewer resources during production, which includes fertilizers, packaging, and water. This makes it possible for one to save both money and time. The bare roots also weigh significantly less, which makes it cheaper to ship. This advantage also makes the retail price of the plants affordable, especially for complex and lengthy landscaping tasks over large areas. Since bare roots typically take up a smaller amount of space when compared to pot-grown or even root balls, then their nurseries can carry a wider selection of such plants, which has resulted in a greater variety for customers when it comes to hedging species. This is not the case with other plants that normally require ample space, thus limiting the production of numerous species. The other advantage of this plant type is that the root mass is more significant compared to other grown plants. The great this about having a huge root mass is that the crops will absorb more minerals and also nutrients. This ensures that you have a healthy as well as a thriving hedge. The plants are known to be lightweight, meaning that you will not have a hard time lifting them. You will not have to add additional manpower when you wish to maneuver the hedging into the ground. You also have to note that the plant has low maintenance requirements. The minute you plant them when the ground is damp, the hedge will, in turn, establish themselves successfully without requiring constant watering. The other nice thing about the hedging plant is that there is no transition from container soil to the local soil. You will not have to experience stunted growth as there would be no difference in the soils. The plants usually establish themselves fast as well as successfully. The roots initially grow without the soil surrounding them. They, therefore, can thrive and adapt quickly. An important factor you need to note is that the hedging plant needs to be submerged on the ground as soon as they are delivered. Using bare roots is an efficient way to create a healthy hedge. When they are delivered to you, make sure that the roots are kept moist during the period that they will be exposed before planting them.
An Overview On Understanding Instant Hedging
There are many methods used in planting different plants, depending on the intended results, the space involved, and the requirements of the planter. Some of the usual approaches used in planting include instant hedging, which is a commonly used method in different areas. This method involves putting small plants into different troughs or bags, after which the plants are left to grow into mature hedges after some years. Here is more on understanding instant hedging and the benefits that come with such a process. For better results to be achieved in this process, it is important to ensure that the plants are properly fertilized. This helps in ensuring that plant vitality is maintained. For better growth, plants have to be fertilized using the best kind of fertilizers. For people who are using this method for the first time, it is always important to seek advice from people who have the needed experience. Instant hedging involves trimming which is a very important factor. The pruning has to be done at least four times each year. This will ensure that your plants achieve a hedge-shape look before being sold and also increase the value of your hedges. This means that you have to dedicate most of your time to your plants if you wish to have the best results. This method has become popular over the years especially where clients are trying to infill an old hedge that has a gap which might have been caused by damages, property development or diseases. It is also common where instant impacts are required, which includes improving the overall appeal for a house that is put on sale. This is because the hedges have what it takes to ensure that the house gets a better resale value. Some of the common varieties of hedge shrubs available include hornbeam, boxwood, yew and beech among others. It is also important to keep in mind that not all hedging varieties are available for every process. Therefore you have to be careful and choose the right plants for your specific needs and the details of your landscaping project. The use of tall pots for this process also comes with various benefits, especially where clients are prepared to wait for the plants to knit by themselves. These pots also make it possible for clients to get the desired height, but not the full density. Nonetheless, this is usually a cheaper option for people who are searching for a way to achieve instant effects. Large pots, on the other hand, make it possible for plants to have an established and developed root system, in addition to thicker foliage and stronger stems. They are also easily portable and have the ability to adjust relatively quickly to a new garden or position. These are just but some of the concepts that one must understand about instant hedging. Abiding by the above guidelines will ensure you have a less complicated time when using the process to plant your hedge plants or when looking forward to purchasing such plants for your home or garden.
Using Evergreen Hedges To Enhance Any Landscape
Planting grass, trees, bushes, and flowers is the perfect way to enhance the appearance of any outdoor area. When property owners plant evergreen hedges, they get much more than just beautiful landscaping. A hedge can help reduce street noise, increase personal privacy, and increase property value when the homeowner decides to sell. One big advantage a hedge has over a wall or fence is cost. It is considerably less expensive than purchasing supplies and hiring a professional to build a wall or a fence. With a little bit of spare time and a few simple gardening tools, almost anyone can tackle this relatively simple home improvement project with satisfactory results. Planting hedges offers a great way to block views of a yard from the street. Homeowners have more privacy without sacrificing the natural beauty of living plants. If the hedge is a hardy species that grows in thick, it can even keep out stray animals and trespassers. Total cost will depend on a variety of factors, including what type of plant the homeowner chooses for the hedge. Another factor in determining cost is the size of the plants at the time of purchase. Younger plants will be more affordable, but the homeowner will have to wait longer, perhaps as long as a year or more, to enjoy the full effect of the hedge. Unlike deciduous species, an evergreen hedge will not drop its foliage when the weather turns cold. This makes evergreens the perfect choice when planting privacy screens or using the plants to block an unattractive view. Evergreen foliage can vary in color and may produce flowers or berries. Narrow leaf varieties feature leaves that look like needles seen on pine trees. Many varieties have leaves with a blue tint. Not all evergreen varieties have needles. Broadleaf varieties have leaves with a broad surface that may be marked with veins. A healthy hedge does require some maintenance, but with the proper nutrients, including adequate light and water, it will last for decades. Unlike a fence, homeowners will never have to worry about making repairs, painting or staining. Some species require more frequent pruning, so it is important for consumers to research maintenance requirements so they can choose a species that fits their needs and lifestyle. Arborvitae is one of the most popular varieties for hedging projects. These plants are vigorous, so they grow quickly and make great screens to block unsightly views. Boxwood is a plant that is easy to work with and can be trimmed into a variety of shapes. The downside to boxwood is the odor, which some people find unpleasant. Consumers who want to add security should consider barberry. Barberry has large leaves and grows barbs that make it impenetrable. This species will also produce berries that attract a wide variety of birds. Regardless of species, an evergreen hedge will enhance any landscaping project. A qualified horticulturist can provide details about the variety of plants that grow best in the area. Factors to consider include climate and soil type.